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doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2018 Avaluació d’agents de biocontrol basats en Bacillus subtilis i Trichoderma spp. en el control de la producció d’inòcul del fong Stemphylium vesicarium causant de l’estemfiliosi de la perera Elias Laguna, Andrea
doc icon DUGiDocs 29 novembre 2018 Biological control of quarantine bacterial plant diseases with Lactobacillus plantarum strains. Improvement of fitness and monitoring Daranas Boadella, Núria
out url icon Recercat Cyclic Lipopeptide Biosynthetic Genes and Products, and Inhibitory Activity of Plant- Associated Bacillus against Phytopathogenic Bacteria Mora Pons, Isabel ; Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio
out url icon Recercat Cyclic Lipopeptide Biosynthetic Genes and Products, and Inhibitory Activity of Plant- Associated Bacillus against Phytopathogenic Bacteria Mora Pons, Isabel ; Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Cyclic Lipopeptide Biosynthetic Genes and Products, and Inhibitory Activity of Plant- Associated Bacillus against Phytopathogenic Bacteria
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Cyclic Lipopeptide Biosynthetic Genes and Products, and Inhibitory Activity of Plant- Associated Bacillus against Phytopathogenic Bacteria Mora Pons, Isabel ; Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Cyclic Lipopeptide Biosynthetic Genes and Products, and Inhibitory Activity of Plant- Associated Bacillus against Phytopathogenic Bacteria Mora Pons, Isabel ; Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio
out url icon Recercat Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic peptidotriazoles derived from BPC194 as novel agents for plant protection Güell Costa, Imma ; Vilà Roura, Sílvia ; Badosa Romañó, Esther ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio ; Feliu Soley, Lídia ; Planas i Grabuleda, Marta
out url icon Recercat Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic peptidotriazoles derived from BPC194 as novel agents for plant protection Güell Costa, Imma ; Vilà Roura, Sílvia ; Badosa Romañó, Esther ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio ; Feliu Soley, Lídia ; Planas i Grabuleda, Marta
out url icon Recercat Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic peptidotriazoles derived from BPC194 as novel agents for plant protection Güell Costa, Imma ; Vilà Roura, Sílvia ; Badosa Romañó, Esther ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio ; Feliu Soley, Lídia ; Planas i Grabuleda, Marta
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic peptidotriazoles derived from BPC194 as novel agents for plant protection
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic peptidotriazoles derived from BPC194 as novel agents for plant protection Güell Costa, Imma ; Vilà Roura, Sílvia ; Badosa Romañó, Esther ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio ; Feliu Soley, Lídia ; Planas i Grabuleda, Marta
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic peptidotriazoles derived from BPC194 as novel agents for plant protection Güell Costa, Imma ; Vilà Roura, Sílvia ; Badosa Romañó, Esther ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio ; Feliu Soley, Lídia ; Planas i Grabuleda, Marta
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 maig 2017 Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic peptidotriazoles derived from BPC194 as novel agents for plant protection Güell Costa, Imma ; Vilà Roura, Sílvia ; Badosa Romañó, Esther ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio ; Feliu Soley, Lidia ; Planas i Grabuleda, Marta
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 juny 2021 Efficacy of synthetic antimicrobial peptides against Liberibacter crescens and Xylella fastidiosa Nelissen, Thomas
doc icon DUGiDocs 30 juliol 2021 Experimental basis for the control of plant diseases caused by Xylella fastidiosa using synthetic antimicrobial peptides Baró Sabé, Aina
doc icon DUGiDocs 24 octubre 1997 Interacció Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae-perera. Factors determinants i activitat de diversos fosfonats en el desenvolupament de la malaltia Moragrega i Garcia, Concepció
out url icon Recercat Interacció Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae-perera. Factors determinants i activitat de diversos fosfonats en el desenvolupament de la malaltia Moragrega i Garcia, Concepció
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2018 Optimització de la producció de bacteriocines amb activitat antimicrobiana en cultius de Pantoea spp Cuesta Vendrell, Marc
out url icon Recercat Production of Phytotoxic Cationic α-Helical Antimicrobial Peptides in Plant Cells Using Inducible Promoters Company Casadevall, Núria ; Nadal i Matamala, Anna ; Ruiz Ramírez, Cristina
out url icon Recercat Production of Phytotoxic Cationic α-Helical Antimicrobial Peptides in Plant Cells Using Inducible Promoters Company Casadevall, Núria ; Nadal i Matamala, Anna ; Ruiz Ramírez, Cristina
doc icon DUGiDocs novembre 2014 Production of Phytotoxic Cationic α-Helical Antimicrobial Peptides in Plant Cells Using Inducible Promoters Company Casadevall, Núria ; Nadal i Matamala, Anna ; Ruiz Ramírez, Cristina
out url icon Recercat The production of recombinant cationic α-helical antimicrobial peptides in plant cells induces the formation of protein bodies derived from the endoplasmic reticulum Company Casadevall, Núria ; Nadal i Matamala, Anna ; Paz, José Luís la ; Martínez, Sílvia ; Rasche, Stefan ; Schillberg, Stefan ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio ; Pla i de Solà-Morales, Maria
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 The production of recombinant cationic α-helical antimicrobial peptides in plant cells induces the formation of protein bodies derived from the endoplasmic reticulum Company Casadevall, Núria ; Nadal i Matamala, Anna ; La Paz Gallego, José Luís ; Martínez, Sílvia ; Rasche, Stefan ; Schillberg, Stefan ; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio ; Pla i de Solà-Morales, Maria
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2018 Resposta molecular de presseguer a l’aplicació de pèptids elicitors de defenses Ribas i Verdaguer, Clàudia

